So all together, I purchased $393.45 worth of groceries. I spent a total of $77.69, an 80% savings!! (After I get things corrected, that number will come down to $67.69, an 83% savings!)
My experience today brings up an excellent topic though: The anti couponer.
I had a wonderful woman in line behind me. I warned her that I would take loads of time, as I was a crazy coupon lady, and offered to let her in front of me. She declined and instead stayed to watch. I'll admit it, I would have done the same. At some point we were joined by a more skeptical woman, who at the end of all my purchases said, "Yeah. But how much did you spend!" She wasn't asking, she was accusing. I held up my receipts and proudly told her that I had just purchased $400 worth of groceries, for $75!! I could see the questions going in her head. How much time does that take? That can't be worth it! How crazy is this girl? I've had people ask me point blank, and I bring it all full circle back to my earlier principle of seeing coupons as money. I saved $325! Do you hear me? $325!! Was that worth two hours of my life? Damn skippy! $325!!! That is worth three hours of my life! $325!!!!
Okay, I'm better now. So basically, don't mind the rude stares, sideways looks, or nasty comments. You will be on the receiving end of them at least once. But until the people throwing nasty looks your way start paying your grocery bill, you embrace the crazy coupon lady in you!
So that's a quick look at what I got. I have to run to get my son from school, but when I get back, I will do a break down of how I got things for cheap, free, and how I was actually paid for some of it!
Just a reminder, this trip was about pantry stock up. We didn't need produce, or butcher meats. Things like bananas, grapes, milk and gogurt (all of which you didn't see) are purchased every week, regardless of price or if there is a coupon available. So, no. We do not live on soup and Uncle Ben's rice. But we could if we had to. =-)
Oh, and all the ice cream will be going to my son's school for an ice cream social. I look like a super cool parent, and I don't spend a dime doing it. Woot! Woot!
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